Cuyahoga County To Push Back Enforcement Of Plastic Bag Ban

(Cleveland) - Because of the pandemic, Cuyahoga County's ban on plastic shopping bags will be pushed back.

Sponsor of the bag ban, County Councilwoman Sunny Simon, is asking the full county council to move enforcement of the ban from July 1 to January 1, 2021.

“The delay of this ban is not to downplay the importance of eliminating plastic bags and the positive impact that will have on our community, but rather to address current anxieties and relieve concerns some are having during this pandemic,” said Simon. “Right now, moving the enforcement date to January 1 is in the best interest of our businesses and our residents.”

Some retailers had already abandoned plastic bags in favor of asking customers to bring their own bags, or use paper bags. Those retailers have since gone back to plastic bags, and are asking customers to not bring reusable bags into the store.

The county says it may reassess the enforcement date again, based on the coronavirus climate.

(Copyright 2020, iHeartMedia)

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